

"I'm on a diet..."
I hope you don't say it this way. People who are already skinny but on a diet for their whole life have problems in their health,  both mentally and physically. 
I am sure our brain won't work properly when we are not physically healthy. There are so many reasons for some mental illness related to physical health, or physical health related to mental illness, from medical and scientific perspective. 
I talk about the details in my class, so if you are seriously interested in this topic, please feel free to join us. 
To make a long story short, it's better to eat healthy meals everyday without the thought of loosing weight. Instead, I recommend for you to think about what your body needs. 
What you should feed your physical structure can be very different food than what you may think you need. 
Life style has changed with the times. Sometimes, you live under huge stress, or sometimes, you are just too busy. Also, the nutrition in any food is less than the old times because of the huge environmental shift. It could be because of today's modified food growth methods.  
Every second, your body's cells are reborn. When they don't get enough nutrition, they start to protect themselves, which means they will take nutrition from somewhere else...YOUR BODY. You may loose weight... however, you will definitely loose health, as well. Your body will suffer starvation. 
I see many people who don't eat proper meals but have potato chips, chocolates, or cakes, etc.
For the weight watchers, please consider to change the habit, (if you have a "snacking habit"), to a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
Why don't you say, " I don't need to have sweet because I want to eat a healthy dinner"? Then, you wouldn't gain extra calories to worry about and keep the nutrition you need. 




How often do you feel gratitude? 
I was filled with appreciation, recently, but that feeling sometimes wanes and I'd love to feel more gratitude. One should be able to be grateful for everything, every single moment in their life, not only when something good happens.
I became annoyed by something recently...I couldn't appreciate anything at the time. Holding those emotions are totally unhealthy, and I regretted right away. So, I was trying to find anything I could be grateful for, even in that irritating situation. It wan't easy to find peace of mind, however, I finally found serenity and felt better. What I did was that I kept saying "thank you" with my each step every morning.
"Thank you" is the magic word. It changes our emotions immediately. It is very important to count one's blessing. 
Have you ever experienced when something good happened to you in sequence? If so, do you remember that you felt happy and grateful all the time? 
You may think that you were happy because of the good things happening, but the truth is how you were feeling at that time and that brought on the moments you'd appreciate more.  
The reason I talk about this today is that a lot of people can't think of many great things in usual life.
You really can be happy all the time, and for that, it is very important to truly feel appreciation without any other negative feeling in your life. Then, your life can be filled with joy!
It may, at first, seems difficult to control your mind, but you can do it! Please just remember that you have to change your thoughts to the positive side when you are sad, mad, or depressed, and try to thank everything. 



Do You Wash Your Hands?

I'm not your parent, but I assume someone has to teach what to do before you leave the washroom because I've seen so many people not washing their hands after using the toilet. 
Haven't you ever thought about what will happen? 
Ok, if you don't wash your hands after using the washroom, please stay away from other people. Especially, now that's flu season. 
Air is dry, the temperature is low, and daylight is short. The body's metabolism is slower and immune system is weaker under these conditions, so the virus will be happy to spread everywhere. It will be an epidemic as you can imagine. 
You cannot see any virus with the naked eye, can you? How do you avoid becoming sick? 
You're not the only one who uses the washroom, and it's not ok to leave there without washing your hands. 
If there's one person not washing their hands and they leave a virus there, the next person there will get the virus which can proliferate and leave the virus somewhere else again for someone. It's a chain of contagion. 
You have to understand that it doesn't matter what you do in the washroom, the truth is there are already many viruses everywhere in that small room. You don't want to take them with you, but if you do, the happy virus will appear on your desk, in your kitchen, or in your coffee mug. 
It's true, you can contact viruses in other rooms, but since the washroom is likely the only place in public for washing hands, it's the most important place to wash up. 
To sum up, I beg/suggest you to wash your hands frequently, no matter what, but especially, after the washroom.
Thank you for not passing your virus to others!
